SI: Zadnji stripovski mini strip album Lupina, izdan v samozaložbi v marcu 2017, je posvečen iskanju poti lastne preobrazbe. Strip je posledica ideje o stripu kot o telesu. Papir na katerem je strip natisnjen, je nastal s postopkom reciklaže. Papir izhaja iz knjige Trideset let socialistične Jugoslavije 1945-1975. Vsak list posebej je dodatno obdelan s pomočjo šablon in zračnega čopiča. Posamezne centralno zasnovane risbe, natisnjene z laserskim tiskalnikom, tvorijo skupaj z besedilom in podlago stripovsko celoto, enovito stripovsko telo.
ENG: The latest mini comic named Lupina (Shell), self-issued in March 2017, talks about finding my own path of self growth. Comic is a consequence of the idea understanding comics booklet as a body. The paper on which the comic was printed, was recycled. Paper came from the book Trideset let socialistične Jugoslavije 1945-1975 (Thirty years of socialist Yugoslavia from 1945 to1975). Each sheet was further processed using stencils and spray paint. Centrally designed drawings, printed with a laser printer, form together with the text and individually formed sheets body of a mini comic book.
Lupina /Shell
2017, 24 pages, color, color cover, 21 x 14,8cm
Self- published