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SI: Domov je avtobiografska trilogija o iskanju sprejetosti ter pripadnosti. Je osebna in intimna stripovska pripoved o tem , kako pomembno je najti svoje mesto v svetu. Prvi del trilogije pred nas razgrinja spomine na čas od avgusta 1991 do avgusta 1997, ki jih prvoosebni pripovedovalec spretno prepleta s svojim življenjem v sedanjosti , v kateri si je že ustvaril svoj lasten dom. Kako so izgledala leta njegovega odraščanja , v katerih si je najbolj od vsega želel biti nekje doma?

ENG: To Home is an autobiographical trilogy about the search for acceptance and belonging. It is a personal and intimate comic story about how important it is to find your place in the world. The first part of the trilogy unfolds before us the memories of the time from August 1991 to August 1997, which the first-person narrator skilfully interweaves with his life in the present, in which he has already created his own home. What were his growing up years like, in which he most of all wanted to be somewhere at home?

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