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SI: Ob petdesetletnici Radia Študent so uredniki pozvali stripovske avtorje k projektu vizualizacije radijskih zvočnih jinglov. Pri projektu sem sodeloval s stripom Cvetje v jeseni, povzetim po istoimenskem romanu Ivana Tavčarja. Strip je izšel v zborniku.

ENG: On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Radio Student, editors invited comic authors to visualize radio jingles. I collaborated with an one page comic book named Cvetje v jeseni (Flowers in Autumn) inpired by famous Ivan Tavčar's novel. The comic was published in a book.


Cvetje v jeseni / Flowers in Autumn

2017, 1 page, B&W, 29,7 x 42cm

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