SI: 260 črno-belih fotografij posnetih s telefonom in nastalih v 260-ih dneh govorijo z drobnmi motivi vsakdanjega življenja. V mesecu februarju 2016 jwe avtor pričel z devetmesečnim obdobjem starševskega dopusta. S sinom Davidom sta skupaj preživela 260 dni. Med sprehodi, hranjenjem, previjanjem, igranjem, branjem in obiski je ostalo nekaj časa tudi za fotografiranje. Zapisi so nastali na osnovi izziva kako smotrno združiti vlogo starša z vlogo kreativnega individuuma. V tem času se je avtorju uspelo preleviti v vlogo, ki je v naši družbi tipično rezervirana za ženske. Z dnevi, tedni in meseci je spoznaval plasti sobivanja in kreiranja ob tem pa uril organizacijske veščine. Zaradi enostavnejše tehnične izvedbe je vse fotografije posnel s fotoaparatom na telefonu in jih kasneje na napravi tudi obdelal.
ENG: 260 black and white photos, taken with phone camera were created in 260 days. They are depicting small details of everyday life. In February 2016 the author started with the nine-month period of parental leave. He spent 260 days together with his son David. During the walks, feeding, diapering, playing, reading and visits left some time to take pictures. Photographes were made by the challenge of how to efficiently combine the role of parent with the role of the creative individual. In the meantime, the author have managed to occupied the role that is in our society typically reserved for women. With the days, weeks and months passing by he learned about the layers of coexistence and creation. At the same time he trained his organizational skills. To simplify the technical implementation all the photos were taken with the phone camera and were later processed on the same device.
SI: NOVEMBER 2019 "260" Svetlopisani dnevi, Samostojna razstava fotografij, Kavarna Layer Kranj
ENG: NOVEMBER 2019 "260" Svetlopisani dnevi, Photographic Solo exhibition, Kavarna Layer Kranj