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SI: Fantabulous Soby na prvi pogled spominja na igračo, a je pripomoček, namenjen vzpostavitvi stika z lastnimi čustvi. V otopelem in individualiziranem svetu, se ljudje odtujujemo predvsem od nas samih. Soby je pripomoček, ki z dotikanjem sproža celo vrsto pozitivnih učinkov. Stik s površino preusmeri preobilje misli, ki se čez dan nakopičijo v glavi. Izboljšuje našo čuječnost in zbranost. Hkrati pa s pomočjo dotika vzpostavimo stik s samim seboj in svojimi čustvi. Izdelek je narejen iz okolju prijaznih materialov. Organska PLA plastika iz katere je narejen v okolju hitro razpade. Namenjen je tako mlajšim kot odraslim.

ENG: Fantabulous Soby at first glance resembles a toy, but the device is designed to establish contact with your own emotions. In the dull and individualized world, we as a humans quickly loose touch with our own emotions and needs. Soby is a gadget that by touching raises a whole range of positive effects. Contact with the surface diverts overabundance of thoughts in our heads that accumulate during the day. It improves our mindfulness and concentration. At the same time, touching the surface evokes our true emotions. The product is made of environmentally friendly materials. Organic PLA plastics from which it is made in an environment degrades rapidly. It is aimed at both younger and adults.


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